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 D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG)

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Join date : 2011-09-08

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PostSubject: D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG)   D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 1:20 am

D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Untitl10

Name: D'Ralt t'Parthok
Species: Romulan
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height; 5'9
Weight: 139 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Crystal Blue
Birth place: Elehu, ch'Rihan

Physical apperance:

D'Ralt has long black hair that falls all the way down to the mid part of her back. She wears it down most of the time. She has light skin with a few past scars. She had a 'V' like ridges on her forehead. She has medium, narrow sized eyes that are percing blue. She has a small body frame, but a muscular toned body.


D'Ralt has the emotion of a Vulcan when it comes to the exterior. But if people often annoy her or try to make her laugh they'll get some kind of emotion from her. She is a hard and determined officer who is out most loyal to the Romulan Empire. She is very family oriented. She is a very independed being who often relys on herself and no one else. She is hard and cruel to her enemies and highly intelligant


D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Warrio11
Father: Val'dore tr'Parthok

D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Aeon_f10
Mother: Sel t'Parthok

D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Amelia10
Sister: Subcommander Ael t'Parthok

D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Leonar10
Brother: Tal tr'Parthok

D'Ralt T'Parthok (Romulan Star Trek RPG) Photo10
Brother: Mandukar tr'Parthok


D’Ralt was born to Ship builder Val'dore tr'Parthok and Praetor Sel t’Parthok in Elehu, ch’Rihan. She is the second oldest out of her siblings. Her older brother is sub commander Mandukar tr'Parthok, younger sister Proconsul Ael t'Parthok, and younger brother Tal tr'Parthok. D’Ralt’s little sister would spend most of her time with her as they played with the local children of Elehu. Often times her and her siblings would go swimming in a local water area. As D’Ralt go older she went to school like the rest of her siblings. She was a highly intelligent child, often times her teachers were fond of her. After school D’Ralt would often spend time with her father in the ship yard. She would assist him learning about the ships systems and regulations and often times assist taking ships out for test runs.

When she was 17 years old she graduated from school and around this time her father mysteriously disappeared. D’Ralt joined her older brother Mandukar on his ship he was severing, to try and find a way to find him. They searched for two years and still nothing, D’Ralt took it to heart and to the point she gave up on the search for him. She volunteered on the s'Vrih as a tactical officer with her brother. At this time she was in her early 20s and she was shipped out to war against the Brunnen-G; an unknown alien race. They were at war with each other for two more years before the Brunnen surrendered. After the war D’Ralt returned to her home planet on to which she joined up the Romulan Military as a cadet. Know she serves the S'Task as well as studies her training.

Service record

Volunteered on the S'Vrih
Cadet on the the S'Task
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